The three states or matter are:

                                    Solids Liquids Gas

Distinguish between a liquid and a gas. What makes a liquid different from a gas is the characteristic of compressibility. A gas is easily compressible, where a liquid is not.  

 What is temperature?

Temperature is the measure of heat energy or motion of particles. Absolute zero is the temperature at which all motion of particles stops. Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature. Absolute zero is -273 degrees on the Celsius scale. The Kelvin temperature scale is based on absolute zero. To convert from degrees Celsius to Kelvins, add 273 to the Celsius temperature.

 A solid is a form of matter which has a fairly fixed volume andshape.                                             A liquid is a form of matter that is a fairly incompressible and has a fixed volume but not shape.                                         A Gas is an easily compressible fluid and has neither fixed volume nor shape

How Does matter Change it's state? 

 Simply by :

 Removing or adding Heat

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